Are your operational hours still the same?

Our team's operational hours are from 09.00 - 16.00. Your workspace is still accessible outside of these new hours with your access card as usual.

Your Hub Manager and Hub Associate are available to assist you at the Front Desk and in the workspace until 16.00. However, you can still reach them via email, messages or calls until 18.00.

We will have alternating shifts amongst the team members and rotations from other GoWork locations. Good chance to get to know our other teams!

Apakah jam operasional GoWork masih tetap sama?

Jam kerja tim Operasional kami adalah pukul 09.00 – 16.00. Area kerja akan tetap bisa diakses oleh member di luar jam ini dengan menggunakan kartu akses seperti biasa.

Hub Manager dan Hub Associate membantu di Front Desk dan area kerja GoWork hingga pukul 16.00 dan tetap dapat dijangkau melalui email, pesan atau panggilan telepon hingga pukul 18.00.

Tim Operasional kami akan melakukan pergantian hari kerja dan rotasi antar lokasi GoWork lain. Kesempatan yang baik untuk lebih mengenal tim GoWork yang lain!

Last updated on 10th August 2021

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